THANK YOU to the many individuals, corporations, and foundations that provide ongoing support for the Harbor History Museum. We are truly a community funded museum that relies on the continuing generosity of our members, donors, and friends to maintain operations. Aside from grants for special projects and general public admission, we receive no local, state, or federal government funding.
You make history happen at the Harbor History Museum.
Simply click the "Donate" button to donate securely through PayPal. Note that you do not need a PayPal account. You can also contact our Front Desk at 253-858-6722 (Thurs-Sat) to make a donation.
Donations to Harbor History Museum can be directed towards our Capital Campaign for the Maritime Gallery, general operating, or special projects or programs such as exhibits, collections, publications, or education programs.

Tax Information
The Gig Harbor Peninsula Historical Society, dba Harbor History Museum, is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Our federal tax ID number is 23-7440330.
Mailing Address:
Harbor History Museum
PO Box 744
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
Amazon Smile
Every time that you make a purchase on Amazon Smile, 0.5% of that purchase is donated to the museum! You can start donating via Amazon Smile in a snap. To begin, click here. From there, log into your Amazon account or create an account. Once logged in, at the top of the page you will see "Supporting: Gig Harbor Peninsula Historical Society."
Note: Harbor History Museum is a "doing business as" for the Gig Harbor Peninsula Historical Society.
To ensure that you are donating you MUST shop at www.smile.amazon.com not simply Amazon. (You will get reminder notifications once you log on). If you have any questions or would like a tutorial on setting up Amazon Smile, please email Robin Harrison who will be happy to help.
Fred Meyer
Click here to create an online account and then link your Fred Meyer Rewards card to the Harbor History Museum. Each time you shop at Fred Meyer and use your reward card, a percentage of your purchases will be donated to the museum. If you have any questions or would like a tutorial on linking your rewards card or setting up an online account, please email Robin Harrison. She's always happy to help!